... and into the Light

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

I am quite content with my decision to stay in last night.
I don't know if I was afraid of having regrets this morning, but I am in a good mood. Ready to... well... clean the bathroom. (It's a little messy.) But, I am not inclined too wallow in self pity like my roommate said I would be if I didn't go anywhere. Mind you I would like to stay under the electric blanket and read, but that's because it's like 8C in here and I'm freezing. Ok that's an exageration... I sleep under a toasty blanket so getting up to a cooler room is not nice, takes the body a little while to adjust. I have to consider the fact that George is happy, preening away on his favorite perch, so it can't be that bad.

Last night I had my Harry Potter marathon, ate an apple and some Jelly Belly jelly beans, and then went to bed at 2AM. I relaxed and have absolutely no qualms about staying in... Feel kind of bad for Firefly, her night sucked. She would have had a better time with me! But she would have eaten all my Jelly Belly's!

Dragonfly 1/01/2005 01:39:00 PM


I am glad your night went well. Check out my email for how my night went. I love me some Jelly Bellies...now I have to go by some today on my little excursion "Me Day".
As a matter of fact I still have some Jelly Belly's left and the first one here gets them!!!

Sorry Vegas...
I think Firefly is gonna win...
She lives closer, and I don't have to give her directions to my house!
Um - I have a confession to make.... um... sorry... um...

So... last night... there was an incident... and umm... this weird Jelly Bean thief... um well....

um this is so hard...

I am SSOOO sad... can't stop.... eating...*burp*

Need to go to the store!
Must replace...
Jelly beans....

OOhhh... Maybe I'll get...
Swedish berries...
No JElly Bellies are better...

I'm sorry!

I guess I win!
Do you buy a bag of random Jelly Bellies or do you go to a place wher you can pick the ones you want? I am a big "Watermelon" guy myself.
I go to the store and pick the flavors I want (peach, pear, watermelon, raspberry, blueberry, berry blue, green apple, strawberry daquari, pineapple) and create my own grab bag. I sometimes get a single flavor. Or just 2 or 3. This last bag, the one that the thief just finished, was a lovely fruit mixture specially created by me!


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