... and into the Light

Monday, January 03, 2005

It's like a friggin' roller coaster...

And I like roller coasters, but this one is wreaking havoc with my insides... Not so much that I have to puke, but I just might have to go lie down... maybe.

So Em and I talked... again.

The guy that is currently living there gave her the rent (which is what started this whole fiasco inthe first place) and we talked about the pro/con list. I siad that if I list Tan as 1 reason and take our freindship as a major issue, the cons outweigh the pros by 3 major points. She said that she agreed. Our friendship is much to important to us and the thought of losing it is terrifying to her as well. The idea is good... besides the financial strain of the move on me would be a lot... she would hate to see me go through that, especially when I have worked so hard to save a little.
And then there is the 'J' factor...

So for now I am staying put...
unless I look and find an apartment in the sky (above ground) that would make it worthy of an actual move...

And as for the dog, I am actively looking for a new home for him... I have asked a couple of friends from work if they are interested. He needs a better life, then I'll feel better. Besides Tan already said she would give him up!

I'm off the Golf - Tiger Woods 2005 - here I come!!!
Dragonfly 1/03/2005 01:43:00 PM


I'd still have to run upstairs, hun...

That's where the food is!
I don't want to have to "buy" cupboards and a minifridge for down here...
But thanks so much..

Do your parents want your stuff out of their house? You trying to get rid of it? Whad up?
Well, that works too. You know, as long as you are content (I know happy is too much) then that is all that matters. Let me know if you want to look for a place in Vegas! Hey, I have a position open in my office. LOL
What kind of position in your office?!?!

I woke up in a very weird mood!

with a headache...
I hate that.

Have you ever had a headache, (or any other ache for that matter) and it showed up in your dreams. I was dreaming and inmy dream I said that I had a killer headache, and when i woke up my head was pounding... I took some Advil (yes, it's that bad) but... now I still have a headache and am in a weird mood...

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