... and into the Light

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The weirdness of last night.

Tan asked if I was leaving on bad terms.
I said I was leaving because it was time - time for a change, time to move on, time for warmth, walls and a place of my own (my own kitchen all my own stuff and a place I can feel is truly my own). I have the added security of knowing the person living upstairs and being in close proximity to someone I talk to daily anyway.

Then she started CRYING!
she said that she is really going to miss me, that she feels as if she is loosing a best friend - even someone alone the same lines as a boyfriend - like this is a break up, and that our relationship will never be the same again. She wished she could lower rent and build me my own kitchen, enterance and walls so that I would stay. She would move me upstairs if that would help - but I said that I needed a place of my own. I had to remind her that the things I needed when I moved in have been fulfilled and now I need to move on and grow...

We talked of the security of having someone you know in the house with you. And she agreed that she really doesn't want to get to know anyone else, she took 5 years getting to know ne (even though I was only here for 4).
She has notices out for people to move in but no one has called - I think she is worried about the money she is losing.

I just can't believe she was that upset.
of course - she cried so I was crying...
I am such a geek.
But it was a strangely sincere conversation.

I bet if I asked she would help me move... I don't even think she is going to aske for the key back so I can come over and see the dog (look after the dog for her is more like it) BUT I will leave the key. It would be too tempting to snoop. Just to see if she is still spending... I doubt she could lose the psycho status that easily.

On a sadder note...
Lisa left today.
The only good thing - she gave me her George Foreman - said she is going to buy a bigger one anyway so I needed the little one more than she did... I love her. And I'm going to miss her... She said she'll call on Sunday. She's going to be so busy.
Dragonfly 2/01/2005 01:58:00 PM


That is a strange conversation. She really must have some issues that she does not talk about. The money is probably a big issue. It is sad how much money affects the world. What can you do?

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