... and into the Light

Thursday, February 24, 2005

What a beautiful morning!

Still haven't thought of a game...

Vegas' stumped me this morning... what time is it there anyway - I should have checked but that guy never sleeps so it doesn't matter.

The funniest thing... while packing I have found some nteresting things and although I have never thought of myself as a packrat I do know that I am a bit obsessive compulsive and that I tend to 'collect' certain things (ie. socks).
So far I have found 2 brand new deodarants, 4 toothbrushes (still in their packages), 2 tubes of new toothpaste, 4 partial tubes of toothpaste, no less than 10 bookmarks, and 3 brand new tubes of my favourite chapstick (the kind FF likes too) still in the packages.
And about a million bobby pins - I thought I didn't have any!!!

THe garbage is going to be huge this week!
Dragonfly 2/24/2005 09:49:00 AM


I sleep. In fact, I actually got a full 8 hours last night. I think the time on my blog is wrong or something. I posted the Guess That Movie at 10:30ish last night. Oh, by the way it is now 9:09 AM Pacific. I want a toothbrush...LOL.
The funny thing, FF, is that I was going to give you one of the new chapsticks in your Christmas gift - but obviously... it got hidden. Next time I see you... Like when I get that table, perhaps!!!

And Vegas - if you want a toothbrush... COME GET IT!!! LOL!

I think it funny that this was all in the same drawer in the bathroom (the bookmarks were scattered about but everything else was in the same drawer). I amuse even me!

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