... and into the Light

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Work is fun!

I started playing around at work again. It makes the day more interesting.
Telling a patron she could only do exchange at Theresa's window (while the rest of us stood around doing nothing) was pretty funny. Theresa shot me dirty looks for the rest of the day and wouldn't talk to me... it was great! I have nothing against Theresa, I just was being a pain in the butt! Mind you, Theresa called me something much worse... hehehe.

Then another patron asked me to throw something out for him. His buddy in the line hollered "What did you just hand her?" I hollered back "Your phone number!" I think the patron I was serving wanted to high five me for 'burning' his friend. One of the other guys in the line commented on my quickness... I was very surprised my supervisor didn't comment on that one... but it was very funny too!

I spent the rest of my shift bugging my friend Josh, and hen Trevor came in... all in all yesterday was a great day. I hope today is the same... Work is so much more fun when there are people around to play with! Even for 5 seconds at a time!

You should try it!
Dragonfly 4/21/2005 09:03:00 AM


That was quick. I mess around with people at work too.
What was mean? Thank you for your prayers.

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