Sunday, May 08, 2005
Blog tag - and I'm it...
There's a new game in town and I was tagged... Thanks to VegasGustan for the tag - and as I am a computer moron I don't know how to link...
The question asked is:
“Name five things that people with whom you generally associate think are really cool, but that leave you cold."
My answers are: (in no particular order)
Air conditioning... seriously - I am not a fan... I suffer from migraines and a huge pet peeve is going in and outside of stores or houses all summer in and out of the heat, and well, you guessed it, migraine! I would rather put on a light sundress and lots of deoderant and shower 3 times a day than have to wear pants and a long sleeve shirt in the summer just to have air conditioning!
Cold water... This is a HUGE debate at work. The water coolers only have cold water and we aren't allowed to have our own bottles at our window, so what do you do if you only drink room temperature water...
Rap/Hip Hop/R&B... I am sorry to all the fans... I just don't get it... to me it is, has and always will be, just noise. I don't know if it's because they are speaking so fast I can't understand them or that the words blur into one another and it sounds like they are yelling incoherently, while using swear words between every other word... But whatever it is... I don't like it and I have many friends who do... hell - I was dating a guy who listened to it. (Maybe that's why I dumped him - kidding!)
Pot/Marijuana... This really should not be a big deal for me, my Dad is an avid user... but I had a scare with drugs as a kid and I decided then that I would never be that out of control and so I would not use and I haven't (except for once in college when I did mushrooms while really drunk). But for some reason, I have no use for pot and don't want it around me or in my house. I don't even like my friends smoking either and tend to distance myself from those who choose to smoke.
Wrestling... yes the WWE. I don't get it, it's stupid, it's scripted, the "men" are over sculped and generally weird, the women are FAKE and CREATED!!! and people watch this religiously and pay hundreds of dollars to go to a "show", to watch the PPV specials, and buy the merchandise. I know a girl who passed out from paint fumes while spray painting signs to take to a show because the sign was so big!!! I mean, really... the entire 'enterprise' is designed to entertain, and I understand that, but try telling a guy that it is a soap opera for men and see what happens!
Oh and Soap Operas - what's up with them... oh wait - that's six... never mind...
So I have to tag people now... that's the rules.
Unfortunately I only blog a couple of people and one tagged me and my other contact whicch only leaves....
Sorry.. I don't know how to link...
Firefly has yet to teach me.
So Alice...
“Name five things that people with whom you generally associate think are really cool, but that leave you cold."
or... the alternate question
“Name five things that people with whom you generally associate think are really annoying, but that you like."
Have fun!
The question asked is:
“Name five things that people with whom you generally associate think are really cool, but that leave you cold."
My answers are: (in no particular order)
Air conditioning... seriously - I am not a fan... I suffer from migraines and a huge pet peeve is going in and outside of stores or houses all summer in and out of the heat, and well, you guessed it, migraine! I would rather put on a light sundress and lots of deoderant and shower 3 times a day than have to wear pants and a long sleeve shirt in the summer just to have air conditioning!
Cold water... This is a HUGE debate at work. The water coolers only have cold water and we aren't allowed to have our own bottles at our window, so what do you do if you only drink room temperature water...
Rap/Hip Hop/R&B... I am sorry to all the fans... I just don't get it... to me it is, has and always will be, just noise. I don't know if it's because they are speaking so fast I can't understand them or that the words blur into one another and it sounds like they are yelling incoherently, while using swear words between every other word... But whatever it is... I don't like it and I have many friends who do... hell - I was dating a guy who listened to it. (Maybe that's why I dumped him - kidding!)
Pot/Marijuana... This really should not be a big deal for me, my Dad is an avid user... but I had a scare with drugs as a kid and I decided then that I would never be that out of control and so I would not use and I haven't (except for once in college when I did mushrooms while really drunk). But for some reason, I have no use for pot and don't want it around me or in my house. I don't even like my friends smoking either and tend to distance myself from those who choose to smoke.
Wrestling... yes the WWE. I don't get it, it's stupid, it's scripted, the "men" are over sculped and generally weird, the women are FAKE and CREATED!!! and people watch this religiously and pay hundreds of dollars to go to a "show", to watch the PPV specials, and buy the merchandise. I know a girl who passed out from paint fumes while spray painting signs to take to a show because the sign was so big!!! I mean, really... the entire 'enterprise' is designed to entertain, and I understand that, but try telling a guy that it is a soap opera for men and see what happens!
Oh and Soap Operas - what's up with them... oh wait - that's six... never mind...
So I have to tag people now... that's the rules.
Unfortunately I only blog a couple of people and one tagged me and my other contact whicch only leaves....
Sorry.. I don't know how to link...
Firefly has yet to teach me.
So Alice...
“Name five things that people with whom you generally associate think are really cool, but that leave you cold."
or... the alternate question
“Name five things that people with whom you generally associate think are really annoying, but that you like."
Have fun!
Dragonfly 5/08/2005 07:29:00 PM