... and into the Light

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Easily distracted...

Today is a wonderful day... I guess.

It really is hard to say.
I feel great.
I am healthy.
Thinner than I have been in years.
I am happy.
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
I like my job. Even though management needs to do the job of a regular worker bee for a couple of days just to see firsthand what we really go through AND then maybe they would smarten up!!!! I can dream a little, right?!?!?!
I have been completely honest with myself and everyone I have spoken too, and I must say it is very liberating. Living in shadows and hiding behind lies and fear is very draining and emotionally exhausting...
I feel free and light for the first time in...well, ages.

I worry about my friend Buttercup as she is now going through the same ordeal I just did and I know she needs to heal on her own, she needs time and I want to help her but my energy and frankness may be too much for her... so instead I offer her my love and my open ears. I do hope it is enough.

***I know... that really was just an excuse to link... but I do want to practice - so get over it!

I feel like Stitch...
you: Aloho Stitch
me: Aloha
you: What's your badness level?
me: I'm having a pretty good day
Dragonfly 5/18/2005 09:02:00 PM


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