... and into the Light

Friday, May 13, 2005

Happiness is...

The morning song of George... singing loudly, proclaiming to the world that he has awoken after a long night of blissful slumber... (although the decibel level inside the house is quite atrocious) it is nice to know he is happy.

The meow of Shadow as she dances across the room... telling me the bird is singing (like I didn't already know) and that her food dish is empty... please get off the computer and feed me already...

Mornings here are very interesting.
So much chatter and noise.
I am never alone, I have too critters to talk to, and they both talk back!

All right guys... breakfast is coming!
Dragonfly 5/13/2005 08:31:00 AM



*Gone Fishin'*

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