... and into the Light

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bits and Pieces

I'm not evil
I'm not good

I'm not depressed
I'm not manic

I am tired
I am sunburnt
I worked all day and it was busy.

I saw MY car in the service yard waiting for it's radiator, all alone and it made my sad. I love my car. We have a bond, my neon and I. I hate seeing it broken and lonely.
Am I cheating on it with the Magnum? It sort of feels like it as I love driving it SSOOooo much...

Is this a post for dischord or do I have something else in my head to say...

I'm too lazy to change it.

The funny thing is, I worked all day in a polyester shirt. My shoulders were ON FIRE because the seams were rubbing against my skin.
That wasn't the funny part though... I was thinking about how nice it would be to leave work and get in the magnum and drive home in just my tank top... windows down... stereo blasted...

Then I slammed my finger betwwen the drawer and the marble countertop...
That made the discomfort from my shirt completely leave my mind.

It was a great day.
Dragonfly 6/26/2005 09:51:00 PM


Are you really upset with your links on my page? I don't really think you are evil, it was a joke..I'll take it down if you want!
No Paige - I'm not upset about it. I think it rather funny.

It was funnier still that I noticed the links at the same time that a couple of things happened to people from my past that I laughed about, then questioned whether or not I should be laughing... I was actually being 'evil' in a revengeful, fate comes around and bites you in the ass, kind of way.

Don't change it... I like it.

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