... and into the Light

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Boring vs Exciting

Yesterday I posted that I lead a boring life, but that I am content.
Firefly challenged me "to post what you think would make your life exciting - and then admit if it is truely feesable - or just fantasy"...

Upon thinking about this, I realize that boring is truly the wrong word. I am busy. I just don't feel I ACCOMLPISH anything worthwhile. I see and talk to friends. I work my 40 hours a week. I attempt to keep my apartment clean. I get enough sleep. I ensure that my animals are happy and healthy and get enough attention.
I guess what would make my life truly exciting would be all of this AND taking a class (learning something), writing that novel like I have always wanted too, finding a hobby (golf) or getting a gym membership and actually using it.
How about doing something to improve me for once?
I think I deserve that.

You tell me, is this feasible?

Mind you, weekends seem to be pretty busy right now and they do book up quickly. I don't know if eveyone wants to keep me occupied or what but I seem very popular right now, too!! Woohoo!
Dragonfly 6/09/2005 09:16:00 PM


I think that it is completely feasible. If you got a gym membership you could take your work out clothes to work with you and stop by the gym on the way home. Even if you just ran on a treadmill for 30 minutes or did 30 minutes of anything it would be worth it. That is what my doc says. He told me to increase my heart rate 30 to 45 minutes a day and that I would feel the difference in about a month. I am really gonna try.

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