... and into the Light

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


For years we have wondered how to get people to stop smoking in the casino.
Today I was given the answer, by a smoker, no less.

Here is the conversation:

man: Is there no smoking in here anymore?
DF: Well, there is. But no one seems to be at the moment. (and I smile)
man: Well. There's no ashtray's!
And he storms away.

I thought about it, and decided not to call anyone. It was a non-smoky kind of morning. Nice!

***Mind you, we did have to call eventually. People were scurrying around trying to find ashtray's holding hot ashes in their hands. I didn't feel bad... but it was kind of pathetic (and bad customer service).
Dragonfly 6/08/2005 08:07:00 PM


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