... and into the Light

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I too have been tagged!

I have been tagged by my best friend (of all people.)
So thanks to Firefly I get to answer som questions about me for y'all to read. Have fun.

three names I go by/have gone by
1. I am taking the 5th on this one!

three screen names I use/have used
1. dragonfly
2. nikoll
3. (how sad... I have forgotten my previous secret identity... that deprogramming worked)

three physical things I like about myself
(other than sexual, but please answer as you see fit)
1. my hair - so healthy, no matter what I do to it.
2. my skin, I take care of it and it takes care of me... usually
3. my green eyes

three physical things I don't like about myself
1. my weight
2. my toes - they are weirdly shaped and stubby
3. my nails - brittle and break easily

three parts of my heritage
1. French
2. Canadian
3. seriously - over 100 years, both sides

three things that scare me
1. FROGS - Scream like a little girl, then cry. I am a freak...
2. mice - not a fan either, but not as bad as #1
3. being off my meds.

three everyday essentials
1. moisturizer - keeps me pretty
2. my necklace - makes me not feel naked
3. water - makes me human

three favorite bands/musical artists
1. BareNaked Ladies / The Vanity Project ~ I'll put them together
2. Sarah McLachlan
3. Jann Arden

three favorite songs (current favs)
1. Pieces - Sum 41
2. So.Cal. - The Vanity Project (Steven Page)
3. Glitterbug - The Vanity Project

three things I want in a relationship
1. trust
2. honesty
3. best friend

three truths about me in no particular order
1. I am a very independent person
2. I don't like to ask for help
3. I don't like my job

three lies about me
1. I need a man to be happy
2. I would be fine without my pets
3. I am ok being bi-polar

three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me.
1. smile
2. eyes
3. ass

three favorite hobbies
1. blogging
2. playing Sims on PS2
3. reading

3 things I want to do really badly right now
1. take an advil and go to bed
2. take a cold shower
3. lose 40 more pounds

three careers I've considered/am considering
1. counselling
2. professional blogger
3. published author

three places I want to vacation
1. New Orleans
2. Japan (cause my sister is there)
3. Australia

three kid's names I like
1. Julia
2. Jacob
3. Simon

three things I wanna do before I die
1. fall in love (really) and get married
2. run a marathon
3. write a novel and publish it!

three ways I'm stereotypically a boy/girl
1. I love skirts and dresses
2. I hate dishes in the sink
3. I love to cook

three celeb crushes
1. Steven Page (duh - everyone knows about that one!)
2. Brad Pitt
3. Angelina Jolie (Scary that the last two ended up together...)

People I want to see take this survey: I choose to end the cycle. enough already.
Dragonfly 6/25/2005 08:26:00 PM


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