... and into the Light

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My cat is PSYCHOTIC!!!

Apparently she has recovered quite nicley from her little 'surgury' and has returned to her usual, playful self.

So far in the las t 20 minutes she has been under the futon cover, chased the parrot across the living room, ran laps and stared at the shadows in the corner. Oh... and she is completely fascinated with the carpeting in the corner beside the computer.

Now she is on the back of my desk chair...
That will last 3 minutes.
Dragonfly 6/22/2005 10:12:00 PM


Silly cat...on the other hand your song is up!
Fun stuff! I love cats when they are crazy that way.
My favorite is when cats are taken totally by surprise. They usually jump about two feet up staight into the air and land-while-racing-off.

They when the realize how silly they just looked, they come racing back in the room with this I'm not afraid-of-nothing look on their little face.
Paige - I'm on my way...

VG - yes, but the position for crazy has already been filled in this household.

Grend31 - Thanks for stopping in. I love that surprised look. I like to follow it up with a cuddle and the good old scotch tape on the paws just for fun.
Mind you... that depends on what the cat was up to before the surprise attack occured.

I guess I do have some evil in me!

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