... and into the Light

Monday, July 18, 2005

What's the Definition of Crazy?

It is now Monday.
I have finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I finished it 2 hours ago.
It made me cry.

Stupid book.

of course I'm gonna read it again.
Like you wouldn't.
Dragonfly 7/18/2005 09:49:00 PM


I hear ya.

I could see it coming, when they did that thing and came back, you know, and I was telling myself "Nonononono...." but it happened anyway...

wha? finished?


i only do potter movies.. if they are going to just take the book and make it a script.. why waste all that time reading?
Mcgibfried: You are missing so much from not reading the books. They are very well written and evoke alot more emotion than the movies. Plus, as faithful as the movies are they still leave out TONS. You really should read them.

DF: Great, now I am going to have to get busy reading. I bought it Sunday for only $13.99! Woot.
I finnished reading it Monday morning and I have already started in on the second time.

Mcgibfried: don't just watch the movies there is a lot left out and some things are changed. Read the books they are much better.
McG: Seriously... start reading. Grab the first one and get going. You won't believe what you have missed.
Mind you, we will miss your wit and sarcasm for the next 2 weeks as you dissappear from all human and blogger contact, but I'm sure we can survive without you *sniff*

Jesster: I still get misty when I think about that thing that happened and then I wnat to yell and... damn... where's the kleenex...

VG: Part of the reason I missed out on sleep...really good read. $13.99... bastard. Mind you I didn't pay for this one so I guess I win!

Domnall: Monday was a good day to finish. I'm going to read another book in between, otherwise I have dreams about Transfiguring the cat. Not pretty! I read Order of the Pheonix and then Half-Blood prince in 5 days... that might trigger wizarding dreams in my already over-exhausted brain. So I'm reading about vampires instead...

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