... and into the Light

Friday, August 12, 2005

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Why? Because vacations aren't permanent. Money doesn't grow on trees.

I need me a sugar daddy.
I don't want to go back to work.
I could go crazy again and go off work... disability wasn't that bad... wait - who am I kidding. Disability SUCKED!!!

Vacation has been great, hanging out, not doing anything.
Windsor was wonderful.
My neices are cool. The baby is adorable and TINY!!! I didn't see Julia when she was that small. Allison at 3 weeks is the teeny, tiny and 21 inches long and 8 lbs. But she's cool.
Not cool enough that I want one - my sister does though...

R was great. She is having fun.
She got some clothes and a bag for school.
We went to a book warehouse today and she found some books she is dying to start reading, but has to finish reading her other book first.

Did I mention I don't want to go back to work.
2 more days...
That sucks huge.

Tonight... we're off to see a movie.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
I've seen it... She hasn't.
I don't think it's a sacrifice to see it again.
I'm still on vacation you know!
Dragonfly 8/12/2005 03:24:00 PM


How was Charlie by the way? Did you post about that yet? I hate when vacations end. Hate it.

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