... and into the Light

Monday, August 22, 2005

At the Heart of the Matter

For the last couple of days I have been keeping busy. There's a lot going on.

My best friend is moving to Australia to go to Law school for 2 years. I am going to miss seeing her face but I know I will still talk to her often... she'll even pop into blogger to see what I've been up too - but it won't be the same. She's not going to be here for dinner and movies and emergencies... that'll suck.

I have 4 more days til vacation and it is already going to be chaotic... so much to do and places to go... R is going to be here again. School shopping, BBQ's, The Steven Page concert, a Stag and Doe, the G-Bye Party for S... and more that I can't remember...

I booked an extra day just to recover all by myself - but I think it will be for cleaning and crying. It's the day after the concert and S leaving. Yup - they happen on the same night... her flight is at 5pm, the show starts at 8pm... I don't get to go to the airport. I don't think we could keep it together if I was there though... We'd be a mess together... People would think us insane, I'd have to be committed...

The bird is driving me banananananas... He is getting into everything!!! I seriously want to throw him out the window - which is saying a lot since his wings are clipped and I live in the basement! He has beeen going for the organic garbage bin (in the kitchen) and any loose paper on the computer desk... I am glad he is staying away from the litter box - that used to be a favourite spot for him... eeeewwwwww! So anybody want a bird... temporarily of course!)
Firefly - my slave!?!?
It actually isn't that bad - I just have a low tolerance right now and don't want to put up with him - he is still as cute and loving as ever... he's chatting and calling me (and ringing his bell) from inside his cage - where he is staying because I don't want to chase him this morning...

The apartment has been undergoing some repairs that I have been waiting for for the last 6 months... it has been a long and arduous process... I am ready to kill... I hope they have been fixed proplerly... the landlord is a cheap b*$#h...

But I get up everyday... greatful to have a job that pays well, benefits that support my 'drug' problem - because I had to get my prescription refilled and damn these things are expensive *giggle* - a car to get me from point A to point B that I love to drive, although gas proces are slightly shocking, and good music to cheer my up.

I am looking forward to vacation.
And the concert (as long as I don't think about the other event taking place that day)...
The bird is adorable, and amusing... as long as he stays out of the garbage.
I know I will be alright.
I just have a lot going on...
Dragonfly 8/22/2005 09:02:00 AM


It's a wonder you have time to blog, sounds like you have LOTs to do!
Paige: I don['e have time to blog. I choose to blog and not do the things that need to be done, like clean and make phone calls... I am going to work though... I haven't figured out how to get the cheques without showing up!)

Firefly: You will do as you're told... hahahaha... Tonight he's bieng good!

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