... and into the Light

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Interview

After much deliberation, I decided to be interviewed by the ever-ingenious VegasGustan. As I am kind of tired I am not sure how insightful my answers will be, but I will do my best.

1. If you were not a Dragonfly what would you be?

I was in deep contemplation about this not too long ago. I did not choose to be a Dragonfly, it was given to me. But if you are going to make me choose... I would choose to just be me. Not a screen name, or a persona. Not a character on a computer, but just me.

2. Would you like it if Georgie could actually talk and carry on a conversation?

The sad thing is... I do talk and carry on conversations with that daffy bird. Just because no one else understands what he is saying doesn't mean it isn't a real conversation. It would be nice if he could tell me that his foot hurts, or his prch is too low. Or that he really does need his cage cleaned - gosh darn it... but I don't think I would jump up and do anything any quicker if he talked any clearer than he already does...

3. You are now 70 years old and have lived a nice life, what are you most proud of?

The novels I have written, and the impact they have made on the lives of the people who have read them. (especially yours VG! Did you like the autograghed copy you got? *wink*)

4. Firefly asks you to be the Maid of Honor at her and E's wedding, what would you say for your toast?

Oh my GOD!!! Maid of Honor for Firefly AGAIN!!! Can I wear the same dress? It fits again... Kidding... OK seriously... Thinking cap in place... Firefly doesn't want speeches... a toast...

Firefly, wandering along this crazy thing called life comes to a fork in the road. There's the dark,long, scary path, and the short,bright cheery path. One is hard and the other easy. Both lead to E. She picks the hard one. Always up for a challenge this girl. It took her a while, and she had many lessons to learn on the way, but when she came out on the dark, long, scary path she was stronger, wiser and a definitly ready for the man of her dreams to sweep her off her feet... and that he has.
May the paths the two of you take from now on be the short, cheery paths.
Now - lets get smashed!!!

5. (James Lipton Alert) What profession would you like to try?
7 - 10 pm Disc Jockey at ?where do you work again VG? What's that? That's taken. Oh well.

I would like to write. Write what? My novel(s) and get paid to do it... That would be great.

I hope I did these questions justice. Who's up next?

The Rules

1. Leave me a comment saying 'interview me please'
2. I will respond by asking you five questions on your blog (not the same questions you see here)
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
Dragonfly 8/04/2005 11:18:00 PM


Those are some good answers. You did just fine. I really like your toast. *dabs eyes*
I had every one dabbing their eyes with my first speech - by the way... and strangely enough I came across that the Wednesday night in a notebook... Weird! Funny that VG came up with that question.

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