... and into the Light

Monday, August 08, 2005

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Saturday started out like any other day. Of course right now I have a 12 year old living in my house. Strange, she is so quiet, does her own thing, doesn't like to bother anyone...she's so funny.

So I force her to "help" clean the bird cage. Yup it finally got done.
AND it is now spotless - or it was until the bird got back in there...stupid bird. (but I digress!)
Then we were rewarded by going to see a movie. That's how it works you see - you do a chore and then you get a treat. That's the payment.

The movie was alright, she liked it. Stealth could have been much more action filled, but why waste money on action sequences when Jessica Biel can frollic in a bikini by a waterfall...

Right now she's playing the Sims...
I'm on the computer.
I am thinking about napping.
Later she's going into S's attic to collect cat toys, the payment will be the drive-in (but that won't be until the next time she's here in 3 weeks due to S's work schedule).

Kids are fun!
Dragonfly 8/08/2005 01:33:00 PM


You mean there was another part after Jessica Biel in a bikini? I kinda lost track....
Planes, right? Something about planes?
I am totally wiped from a 4 day visit from my nephews. I need a week long nap. It isn't coming any time soon though. Oh, your award is up by the way.
Happy DragonFly Day!
VG: You kill me! yup - planes, and one of them talks.

Grend: I am getting sleep, she's 12 and sleeps and keeps to herself so it's not as tiring as previous years, it gets better as they age, really!

Paige: Thanks!

Alice: Thank you... I checked it out... do we get an AliceB day?

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