... and into the Light

Saturday, September 24, 2005

A little R and R

It has been the best weekend ever.
I haven't done much.
I can't say I have been overly productive.
But I've talked to a couple of friends.
I've had some IM conversations (I'm new to that 'game' so it's still fun)
My sister and I had a great chat this morning.
It's funny that the clarity has returned and I feel that much better knowing that my friends and family are behind me.
Talking and knowing that I am understood has made a huge difference.
Being able to write freely has helped too.
There was a time (especially last week) when the words were lost to me but now I can express myself again - even if I have nothing to talk about yet...

I guess this is 2 nothing posts in a row...
Dragonfly 9/24/2005 01:06:00 PM


Ah, IM...I would join if it would not cause a problem with my marriage.
What doesn't cause a problem with your marriage, Vegas?

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