... and into the Light

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Do you know...?

How badly I want to call work and ask if I can stay home?

I don't want to go, for no reason at all.
I just don't want to go .
I'd rather stay home, read, watch movies, maybe go for a walk...

Not do anything.

But I did that yesterday... sans the walk...

What a lazy day... It was great!!! heheheh

I want to do it again...

Damn... I should really get moving...
stupid work.
Dragonfly 10/30/2005 08:50:00 AM


Yeah, work always tends to get in the way of having fun. Unfortunately, without work, I wouldn't have the money to properly finance my fun. *hangs head low*
I said it before, Kid and I'll say it again... stupid work!!
I declare that we all move to an island in the South Pacific! We will forbid all work and we will play, loaf, or do whatever we want all day. And we will call this land...Unemployment!
Sign me up for the land of un-employment! Sounds fun!
Unemployment here we come!!!
You mean I have to bring myself to comment now....

Oh, boo.

Hee Hee Hee
vegas... not only do you have to comment... but you have to post too!!!
VG posting is becoming quite the pipe dream DF, I wouldn't hold my breath!

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