... and into the Light

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Only in My Dreams

We were walking through the grocery section, looking at... well... the groceries. Firefly opened a can of beer (which I know she drinks oh so rarely and it wasn't even her brand) and I opened an orange and cream vodka Twister...

We were in a Wal-Mart. Shopping and acting like this was completely normal.
What kind of dream was I having?

So either, I need to spend more time drinking with Firefly??? Oh yeah!!!
Or I need to get drunk before going to Wal-Mart!

That definitely falls in the what the ? dream category!

oh well... I'm off to work. At least it's relatively normal there.
Dragonfly 10/23/2005 09:44:00 AM


No Walmart, but all about going to the bar to drink!

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