... and into the Light

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Semi-Charmed Kind of Life

I am one of those people who is always there for my friends. They can count on me to listen when they are having a problem. They know I will drive (for hours, if necessary) to be there when they need a helping hand. I'll give my last dollar so they can buy lunch even if it means I don't eat. I'll stay up all night on the phone listening as they rant about the latest crazy thing that happened in their life... I offer the best advice I can in times of need... That's just the way I am.

Right now, I am in the midst of my own life and in the swing of everything...
I must commend my friends for laughing at me during this amusing time of trials and dating...

You guys RAWK!!!
Dragonfly 10/13/2005 09:51:00 PM


I'm right there with you...except that my friends don't really reciprocate. IT kinda sucks.

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