... and into the Light

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I finally did it...
Actually I did 2 things today that I have been continually putting off... But I finally did them today.

I went shopping.
I bought myself a pair of pants (that fit!!!) 2 sweaters and 2 long sleeved t-shirts (for under my uniforms)... And it only took my 35 minutes to spend a days pay!!! WHOOHOO!!!

and the other thing...
I went for a walk... a long walk.
I walked for an hour. Along the Niagara River. It was gorgeous today.
I only stopped because I had to go to the bathroom. (stupid water and the sound of the falls doesn't really help much either)
So I went home and decided I wasn't done walking yet.
SO I walked to Blockbuster to return a movie.
That took an hour and 10 minutes....
I walked so long my brain stopped all inner dialogue... I love that.

It isn't as if I was thinking about anything important... I was creating a really bad fictional story... and I guess it was boring me... so I didn't even notice that it had stopped and I wasn't thinking... I just noticed that I was near the bank and the last thing I remember was Starbucks...

***Oh... and it looks like it puked Christmas at Starbucks... they have all the holiday merchandise and decorations out already... I may not go back... I still don't like Christmas... but whatever...

...I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. I'd love to walk again. But this time I'd bring a big bottle of water with me.
Dragonfly 11/12/2005 11:19:00 PM


I'm glad to see that you have done something that makes you happy. It's nice to read that. As for Starbucks puking Christmas at least they're doing it in the middle of November. Not the 1st of October like here.
I LIKE the movie titles! I don't know why right now, but when I figure it out I will let you know.
Why is it that whenever people are off of work, this includes me, they tend to always remember having to go back? In other words, we never truly forget about work, even on our days off. Hmmm.
Man that was a negative thing to say. I better type something positive. Oh, I know. I'm glad that you have been enjoying your day off and that I'm not the only one trying to come up with a little bit of fiction now and again.
Good for you on all accounts!

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