... and into the Light

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Girl interrupted

I have a friend. I love her to death... *heheheh... That's funny considering the way things have been going lately - but I digress*... We talk about everything. And I mean everything. There is nothing that is off limits between us. And our conversations are usually quite entertaining and informative, although sometimes we don't talk as often as we should... you know life gets in the way.

So a couple of weeks ago, she calls... I will call her L - for Loser... She knows who she is (and she reads this blog!!!!) hehehehe... So L calls... and she says...

L: The weirdest thing. My vibrator has disappeared. I can't find it.
DF: What do you mean disappeared? Where were you the last time you used it?
L: Well. That's the thing. It's always on the bedside table... and it isn't there. I've looked everywhere... Trust me... I've looked.
DF: Um.. have you asked your BF? (yup... very tempted to type LBF there... but didn't... hehehehe)
L: He swears he hasn't seen it.
L: I think I am going to go insane with out it...

OK... Seriously, L, I love her... totally dependent on her vibrator... But insanity... Really.. That might be pushing it!

I get a call from L... last night...
The update...

here's what happened.
L dozed off while playing with her favourite toy... And when the BF came home she jumped up and in her surprised state HID the vibrator under some towels.

DF: Why did you hide it?
L: Um... He woke me up... I was not awake and therefore not thinking.
DF: YOU really are a loser.
L: Yup... But I have my Vibrator back... Thank god!
DF: It was only missing for a week.

I swear that was the funniest thing she has ever said... ever!
Dragonfly 11/09/2005 10:31:00 PM


Well, her BF must be a L...'cause if he was good she would not have just had the longest week of her life.
oh no... VG.. you have no idea how close a woman and her vibrator can be... even if she has a man in her life.

There is such a thing as ME time you know... AND yes I did just type that!!!!
Oh yeah, FF... OH yeah... tragic... that'a good word....
Funny but good!

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