... and into the Light

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

There must be a better way!

I get it, OK!

Thanks, for the wake up call.
But there has got to be a better way to get my attention.

Five and a half years ago my best friend lost her battle with cancer. We talked about her coming back to visit after her passing. And At the funeral I actually said to her "You better haunt me you bitch!"
OK... looking back. It may not have been the smartest thing to do. Since I have seen her a number of times and had to endure weeks of open cupboards and pictures being turned around.

But we came to an understanding.
If someone was in trouble, or something needed to be taken care of, then she would give me a normal sign.

This week, the drawers of my dresser were open... And then... BANG... the mild concussion Sunday night at work.
So I called R last night... and she's fine. So it's not her. I figure it is me.
Bec is telling me that I need to take time for me.
And decided that I needed a crack on the noggin' in the meantime...
some best friend...

OK FF... you're next.
Bring it on!!! hehehehe
Dragonfly 11/08/2005 08:52:00 PM


It's good to know that tough love is still available to us in the afterlife. I'm sure I'll have a list of people to keep track of after I'm dust for this world.
Are you sure you don't have an alternate personality that takes control and does these things? Your real personality just blacks out and has no memory of this....


Okay, fine.

Ghosts are real. DIDDO!
Well, I will have to say that I think you should take some time out for yourself. Vaction time = mental health time! It's why they give us all vacation time. Keeps us from going nuts from our stress!!
Happy Wednesday!! :)
Grend: Her tough love usually involved my being bruised in some way... but I was really hoping it would stop... And thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to stay on your good side from now on :)

VG: According to my shrink it is just me in here...*knocks on head to be sure* pretty sure it's Bec... besides since I acknowledged here and made the solemn vow... all abnormalcy's have ceased!!! whoo hoo!!!

kid_Lysol: Every day is mental health day for me!!! hahaha... JK... ok I know what you mean... and I have been doing things for myself.. apparently not enough... but I am trying...

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