... and into the Light

Friday, November 11, 2005

There's Something About Mary

It's my weekend...WHOOHOO!!! I finally get to sleep in... NOT!!! This is my day for Dr's Appointments or aquafit... Whichever fits. This morning was the doctor. So I got up, showered and was just about to start drying my hair when the phone rang.
It's Mary... My doctors receptionist. Dr. Has the flu, she won't be in today. Can we reschedule? How's Monday.

I feel bad for Mary... making a hundred chaotic calls first thing in the morning to patients telling them that the Dr. they rely on for so many things is not available.

Thank goodness the bad week I was having is over and I got some sense knocked into me. I am feeling much better now.

But it's too late to go to aquafit... and I am awake... so no sleeping in either.

But... do I clean the house, which I don't usually like to do after I shower (it's a before showering activity)? OR Do I go shopping, which I was going to do after my appointment as my Dr's office is near the big, cool mall?

It is too early for me to make these kinds of decisions on my own. I need a driving force to get motivated and get my butt out the door. Or get moving.

But my head is cold from the wetness of my hair so I think I will continue with the drying of it...
While I ponder this question of... Crap, now what?
Dragonfly 11/11/2005 09:23:00 AM


Go shopping! That is always fun. Well,at least it is for me. I love spending money I shouldn't! :)
I totally agree with Vegas. If I was off work today, I'd definitely go shopping. I could use some new clothes. By the way my pants size is 34/32. So feel free to buy me some snazzy looking corderoys. ;)
Go shopping. It's not called retail therapy for nothing you know. That way you can still get your therapy session in. :-D
I ended up cleaning all day... then renting a movie... no shopping for me.

FF: a) The movie titles started out as lack of imagination and now I like them.. later I may switch back to something more creative.
b) hakuna matada
c) thanks, you to.

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