... and into the Light

Friday, January 13, 2006

Lost in Translation

Somewhere in the confusion of this week... the changing of my days of, the starting of my night class, the 6 days off, and the ... well... general state of confusion that lives in my brain... I believe I have relinquished all control of my thought processes to another being. The only question is whom?

Not only am I taking it upon myself to inflict injuries on myself - slamming fingers in drawers, paper cuts opening letters, scraping my hand on locks, breaking nails on my pants pockets. I don't know how many times I have tripped over the last 2 days. Over nothing, over bags of tokens, over my own feet... whatever happens to be on the floor, I am bound to stumble over it. So far I have managed to not slam face first onto the floor (THANK GOD!!!) but I feel the inevitable major injury is afoot somewhere. Be it tripping or stitches... it is just around the corner.

There is also the misfortune of getting locked out of doors that should open by the push of a button or the swipe of a key card... but that is just plain old weird and probably has nothing to do with me! Right?!?!?!
I mean the fact that it took 18 minutes to get the doors open for me to go on break today is just a coincidence. *sigh* Yup... nothing to do with me at all.

Oh... and I have no idea what day it is. None at all. At work we count the days of the week in relation to our days off... As I now have Tuesday and Wednesday off... they are my Saturday and Sunday... so Monday in the real world is my Friday... and Thursday is my Monday... But I have no clue what today is? I thank my friends at work - Lisa especially for taking control of my calendar and telling me where I am to be and when or I would be lost!!!

curiously enough I have managed not to attack anything with my car and have avoided being struck by anyone else while driving.
I have not fallen off the balance ball... yet
I have not drowned at aquafit...
The week is young... give me time.
Dragonfly 1/13/2006 08:25:00 PM


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