... and into the Light

Sunday, February 05, 2006


I know the joke is that I should lay off the crack...

I think I should lay off the coffee.
And the sugar.
The 2 combined is a deadly combination for me.
And by deadly I don't mean OD, call 911, stomach pump, write a best-selling novel about my 6 weeks in rehab where half of it is made up and go on Oprah twice to promote it, that kind of deadly.
But deadly as in... 5 hours hyper activity, dancing, singing, laughing, talking, joking, and generally annoying anyone who came near me. That kind of deadly.
I felt like I was in fast mode... moving very quickly... Should I mention this was at work.

And all I had was a small french vanilla cappuchino (Nestle) with a little bit of coffee in for a kick start.

um... yeah... so... that's definitely a no-no then... maybe?
Dragonfly 2/05/2006 11:45:00 PM


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