... and into the Light

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Original Sin

Why is it that when friends and family come to visit, all sense of diet - proper eating habits and normal routine go out the window?

I mean... seriously.
It was my birthday and Lisa and I went to Pizza Delight for the lunch buffet (again.. I know, but it was SOOO good!!!!) and we ate so much...
Then my dad came for a visit and we went to the casino to the buffet there. And once again... ate some more... more than I would have... and I had dessert for the second time of the day.

I'll admitht he portions were smaller at the second buffet, but I still ate more than I would have at a regular meal.
And I didn't go to the gym yesterday.
Took the day off again! Woot for me!

Today was the running around hanging out, TACO BELL (cause dad loves it... hehehe) and playing cards...
then Dad left so I hit the gym.
Now I am going to aquafit.
But the thought is still there...

Why does the control and and routine go out the window just because someone comes for a visit???

Oh.. and ouch... my tummy... too much stuff I shouldn't eat!!!
But happy birthday to me!
Dragonfly 2/14/2006 07:35:00 PM


Society has dictated this. Besides it's your birthday you're supose to spoil yourself. And at least you got back into your exercise routine the next day. One day off every once in a while isn't going to completely ruin everything. I know that you have worked to hard to get to where you are to let one day ruin it. Keep up the great work.
Thanks, BG.
Oh... my tummy!

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