... and into the Light

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Simpson's

OK... so this is the second post for today... and I had to put it in... and I laughed and laughed.
I hate beer... but I agree with the philosophy, cause it is genius!

You Are Barney
You could have been an intellectual leader... Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer
You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps
Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem."

The Simpsons Personality Test

See... too funny!
Dragonfly 2/26/2006 09:46:00 PM


Curses you making me take another quiz!
I'm Lisa Simpson! That's not really a shock actually :)
FF: I am proud.. that's why I posted it.. thought you would like it!

Mesabi: hehehe... you get what you give... at least these quizzes are funny. And completely useless. Congrats on the LIsa status!! "if anyone needs me, I'll be in my room."

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