... and into the Light

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Sincerest Apologies

It all happened very quickly.
I arrived at my friend, Mel's house after surviving a torturous day at work.
I changed, then we jumped into my car and drove the 20 minutes to Lee's Garden in Fort Erie for my Hot and Sour Soup.
I had remembered to grab the camera before leaving the house this morning, I even showed it to Mel at her house to once again prove to her how much of a geek I really am...
I wanted to take a picture of the soup to post on my blog... before we started eating.. and of the empty bowl.
But, by the time it got to the table, I had forgotten about the camera, the excitement and anticipation had taken over.
So no pictures to upload. (It would have been my first attempt absolutely on my own... FF would have been so proud!)

The soup was great.. The waiter was impressed we ate the whole bowl.
I should be good now for a while.
I hope!)
Dragonfly 3/18/2006 10:02:00 PM


Great! Now I feel like Chinese food!

Doesn't do me any good with the enchiladas already in the oven!

Next weekend maybe... Good thing you didn't post a picture, I'd be throwing dinner in the fridge and going out :)
FF: hehehe.. and that was some pretty soup too!

Mesabi: Yum! Enchilada's... I had those last week.
I promise to remember the pictures.. next time! hehehe!
This is why we have the 'net...just find some hot and sour soup pics on google and bam! You've got yourself some pics :-)
2 DG: The thing is.. I haven't exactly figured out how to add URL's yet... But it is coming... I hope.

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