... and into the Light

Sunday, May 07, 2006

This One's For MooCow

So, there I was in St. John's, NFLD. Canada, for those of you that aren't sure. It's on the East Coast (above New York). Anyway... Geography lesson over...

Dea, Don and I were on our way to Signal hill and were taking the scenic route through the city - cause the city is cool too... All the buildings and houses are painted different colours... I will find those pictures.. But this is better (really)... And I saw this...

It's an Ice Cream parlor. Don says they have great ice cream. Made right in the store. Now.. I didn't try it, it was before lunch time, and I was somewhere between frozen and really effing cold... so ice cream was not really something I wanted.

But I thought of one of my favorite bloggers EVAR!!! and had to get a picture of this place.. Cause well... LOOK AT IT!!!!
How cool is MOOMOO's?

Maybe you should consider a trip to NFLD just for the ice cream - oh, and there's some great trails and the hills would be fabulous on a bike!
Dragonfly 5/07/2006 12:47:00 AM


Therese - who's from NB - actually sent me some stickers from there which are fantastic, because hi. They're cow stickers.

Hee heee :)
yes - but Moo... the whole building is a cow, with icecream in it!!

ah, whatev's

at least I thought of you

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