... and into the Light

Saturday, June 24, 2006


I was packing
OK... I'm always packing.. but whatev's
And I found a package of Miso soup.
And I was excited...
I did a little happy dance and everything.


I took that little package to work today and I had Miso soup for lunch.

Now I'm hungry and have no damn Miso soup...
I should just go the the Asian foods convenience store around the corner, where I purchase said Miso soup... and buy more.
That would make sense...

But.. I'm in my Spongebob jammies.
I don't think they'd appreciate it that much.
Dragonfly 6/24/2006 08:00:00 PM


I found you I guess.

Glad you are looking forward to the movie.

Do you want me to update my link or keep you private?
I think as long as all the appropriate parts were covered they wouldn't care what you were wearing. Besides people here run around in thier jammies all the time; class, library, the restaurant. It's all the same. So hopefully you went and got your soup and enjoyed it.
yes VG: You're very smart. Link me baby!

BG: if I had jammies that were outside worthy... it would be no problem. But these Spongebob's are not for "human eye's" Inside only!

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