... and into the Light

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Passion

I recently filled out a survey that asked me what I was passionate about.
I had to stop and think about it.

I realized there really isn't anything that I am passionate about in my life.
It isn't that I don't live... But passion?

I mean... I blog.. But not that same now as it used to be. The people who used to blog and who's blogs I used to read aren't there anymore and I have found that I am not writing the way I used too. Even moving my blog hasn't really opened me up the way it used to. I know the individual I wanted to avoid is not reading it... But I am not writing as often as I used to, or as openly as I could. So is the passion for my blog(s) there, I don't think so.

The gym... that's not a passion. It's not even an obsession anymore. I go because I don't want to return to the body shape and weight that I was before. I refuse. So - calling it a passion, that's just wrong.

Music... um no Not even close anymore. I don't buy it or listen to it as much as I did when I was younger.

Movies... not to much... I like them.. but usually it's background noise.

Tea... yum.. but that's not a passion.

Reading... That's a necessity for living, not a passion. I mean, if I didn't have a good book to keep me calm before bed, or keep me company on the shuttle to and from work I would be forced to think and that would just get me into trouble. Serious trouble. Reading is the only escape from reality that I have and frankly... I need it, like a druggie needs that next score.

I like to cook - should I start having dinner parties so I can cook for my friends? Because cooking for more than one person is better than cooking for one.
I already bring a friend "lunch" when I make myself dinner. Basically I share my leftovers. She calls it free food, I call it not eating the same thing 5 days in a row.
But to say that cooking is a passion... now, now, I just like a GOOD meal every now and then, and I have the ability to make it myself. Although, I do like to go out and have someone else make it for me, like the sushi chef, or the Hot and Sour Soup chef... so whatever!

Is the bird a passion? No.. He's a pain in the ass.

Friends? Um... I love my friends, but I can't say I am passionately in love with my friends!!! Um.. No.. They don't count...

So what's the verdict?
Do I lack passion?
or am I just too conservative to become fully "wrapped" into something?
Dragonfly 8/04/2006 09:26:00 PM


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