... and into the Light

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Productivity or bust?

I was up at 7:30 am this morning.
it is now 10:30 am.

I am on my 3rd load of laundry.
I've washed the floors.
And done up the few dishes that were in the sink.
Took out the garbage and recycling.
I made the bed, but will probably unmake it so I can wash the sheets on my next load of laundry.
I also did some filing (paperwork)... Boring, I haven't done it since I moved.
And I had breakfast.

Next on my list...
a shower.

OK... it only got worse...
I fixed the table (the legs needed to be tightened).
Did 2 more loads of laundry, one of them was the bed sheets.
Flipped the mattress.
Cleaned the bathroom.
Hung my kitty tile and my key box and a really big mirror (and various other things).
Blow dried my hair... that's 20 minutes work right there.
Changed addresses that I haven't changed since moving - you know... the unimportant ones.
And various other tasks that I can't remember... but I was busy until Firefly arrived a little after 3pm.

And I haven't really stopped yet... but I will.

Tasks have already started piling up for tomorrow.
Dragonfly 8/08/2006 10:40:00 AM


Wowie...I wish I had that kind of drive!
Yeah me too. Oh, I am back and I posted. Yes, this is a sign of the end of times. Enjoy your last, oh, 66 days of earth. ;-)
funny Vegas.. funny... um.. what do you know that the rest of us don't?

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