... and into the Light

Friday, October 13, 2006

Comfort on a Cold day

I looked out the window and saw the wet and the snow still falling from the gray sky. And I thought, "Perfect timing on that gigantic crockpot of spaghetti sauce that I made last night and let crock ALL night. That is going to be great for lunch today."

Nothing like a hot, delicious bowl of one of my favourite dishes on a crappy wet day.

Don't get me wrong, I know I said yesterday that I like snow... I like snow when it's dry. Not that snow that's partially rain too. It's not nice getting snowed on when you get soaked at the same time. I like the snow that is light and fluffy and sparkles... it comes on cold days when the sun is shining. Not on days like today.

I can't wait for lunch.
Dragonfly 10/13/2006 10:00:00 AM


It was actually very warm here on this day. It was so warm that there was a misty fog just hanging over the cold Atlantic ocean where the hot air met the cold water. It never filled the sky it just floated atop the water. It was cool actually. I got pics. I'll share later.
Take care sweetie. And remember we will have snow soon enough. then it is ur turn to laugh. LOL
Yum! I miss ya DF! How've ya been?
We got rain this past Friday, it was wonderful. It poured and poured. Rain in the desert is a very unique and wonderful thing...except for the drivers that think the world is coming to an end and that the drops falling from the sky or mad of acid.

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