... and into the Light

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's the End of the World as I know it!

I think it’s over.
NO not the world, just the manic cycle I have been in for the last 4 days.
I can’t say I will miss the bouncing, constant movement and well the giggling and talking relaly fast - but maybe - just maybe - I can concentrate a little harder now.
I say I think it’s over - because I went to bed at 10pm last night and slept until just after 8am.
This is the most sleep I have had in a week. And I would really like to go back to sleep - I’m still tired.
Damn mania - when you come down you sleep for 2 days.
Just to make up for the lack of sleep over the manic period.
I have an incredible amount of homework to do - 4 both classes, and for CBT.
I promised to meet a friend for lunch today and I await my tax refund - netfiled my return yesterday! It’s great to have friends that do taxes!
Damn - I’m tired.
So tired I have already fallen off my balance ball… Maybe I should lie down before I hurt myself.

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Dragonfly 2/26/2007 08:45:00 AM


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