... and into the Light

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Long Time No Type!

Well... hello bloggerland! It's been a while.
I must confess I have fallen for that new world of Facebook. Finding and reminiscing with old friends, it's easier to chat with family, and there are cool things to do - send people drinks, plands, presents, fish. It's fun.
However, I am not writing now to endorse FB I am simply explaining my absence.

being bipolar is... well...
It definitely makes life interesting.
Over the last month, I started rapid cycling, and have had some medications increased and some decreased. My anxiety has improved, and I only shake first thing in the morning...
So I only take one anxiety pill and my stomach problems have improved... damn medication is so bad for your body!
Today the Doctor told me it is OK to only take the anxiety pills when needed, she was impressed with my coping skills. I had to admit that I am impressed too.

I owe these skills to a new thought process I was introduced to thanks to my friend Phoenix (aka Firefly). The Secret has changed my life. I am so grateful to the Secret and FF for getting me started on this new life journey. It's incredible.

I am not saying I am cured... heavens no. But I have a new appreciation for life, my health, and my future.

Thanks for Listening!

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Dragonfly 8/14/2007 07:11:00 PM


Sorry I haven't been here in awhile, but I just caught up and I'm glad to see you are doing better!

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