... and into the Light

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

and a side of ... reality.

I have been reading a book about bipolar, written by a girl who was diagnosed and subsequently, confused by all the technical information available when you are first diagnosed. Reading this has reminded me that I have to look after myself - even though I don't have symptoms. It's a reality check that needs to happen regularily to maintain sanity. Here's my issue; I know I am depressed... sitting just below my normal depressed level. I am aware that if the migrane didn't exist then my mood would improve. I hate being a slave to the pain. Thankfully I have been reminded that only I am in control of my mood: being aware; maintaining; preventative maintanance.  So I have pledged to write more often - but I feel that the parameters of the blogging/writing must change with this realisation.  

1) I have to write with truth (which isn't as easy as it sounds) I want to maintain positivity as a means for keeping a positive spirit and attitude, necessary for staying above the depression.  BEing honest isn't about being negative it is accepting that negative happens, and by not denying it I am not letting the negative define me.

2) I have to figure out how to spell check posts in this app... I use my iPad for just about everything and having to edit manually defies the purpse of modern technology... just saying.

3) I have to be accountable. If only to myself, accountability is key.

There are a lot of changes coming up and with it I have a lot of anxiety and questions. I don't even know who to ask, because they weren't covered in the book I just read.  

Life is complicated. Being bipolar doesn't have to be - at least not for me.

Dragonfly 9/23/2014 09:53:00 PM | 0 beautiful people telling me what they think |