... and into the Light

Friday, April 13, 2007

Tales from the Unknown!

I am actually not sure which blog this belongs in - it's going to be random and slightly confusing - but I do have a point.

It, apparently, is OK to feel numb and empty on this medication, it means it's working. But I kind of like having emotions and feelings. The moments of total body numbness means the meds are working - but they pass fairly quickly, as long as I don't fall down it's no harm no foul.
It turns out my psychiatrist wasn't confident in my decision to have my surgery - until she went back in her notes... now she's OK with it, as long as I disclose said information to any potential relationships I could be entering.

My surgeon informed me that I have endometriosis, but since he was in there anyway - he burned off the scar tissue and I should have no problems for a while - but I didn't know I was having problems to begin with - so - whatev's!

I am addicted to FaceBook and can play on it all day!
It's fun.
I have found so many people from college that I have dearly missed, and also friends from growing up in Point Clark! Oh boy - the good times!

I have 5 oral presentations to prepare for my 2 classes... yup - 5. I guess I fell behind. I can't wait for these classes to be over I need the break to focus on myself and my recovery and my therapy and... I have way too many books to read!

Right now though - I am thinking a nap is in order - then I want to get at least 2 of those oral presentations done. It shouldn't be too bad.

Crap - and I have to do laundry.

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Dragonfly 4/13/2007 12:21:00 PM


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